dotenv-vault pull

Pull .env securely with dotenv-vault.


1. Run pull command

$ npx dotenv-vault pull

remote:   Securely pulling... done
remote:   Securely pulled development (.env)

2. View .env (optional)

You now have a .env file in the root of your project. The .env file holds your environment variables - their names and secrets.

Run ls -al to view it.

$ ls -al
Jul 28 17:54 .
Jul 27 13:46 ..
Jul 27 14:51 .env
Jul 28 18:11
Jul 28 18:09 .env.vault
Jul 28 17:54 .gitignore

That's it!

Command Details

For more information on the pull command, run dotenv-vault help pull.

$ npx dotenv-vault help pull
Pull .env securely

  $ dotenv-vault pull [ENVIRONMENT] [FILENAME] [-m ] [-y]

  ENVIRONMENT  Set environment to pull from. Defaults to development
  FILENAME     Set output filename. Defaults to .env for development and .env.{environment} for other environments

  -m, --dotenvMe=         Pass (DOTENV_ME) credential directly (rather than reading from file)
  -y, --yes               Automatic yes to prompts. Assume yes to all prompts and run non-interactively.

  Pull .env securely

  $ dotenv-vault pull


Set environment to pull from. Defaults to development

$ npx dotenv-vault pull production


Set output filename. Defaults to .env for development and .env.[ENVIRONMENT] for other environments

$ npx dotenv-vault pull production .env.production

-m, --dotenvMe

Pass (DOTENV_ME) credential directly (rather than reading from file)

$ npx dotenv-vault pull --dotenvMe=me_b1831e…

-y, --yes

Automatic yes to prompts. Assume yes to all prompts and run non-interactively.

$ npx dotenv-vault pull -y